VSPC API Response Not Parsing Performance Tier Data

An issue I ran into a few months ago that drove me nuts for a lot longer than I care to admit was getting a valid response for Performance Tier Capacity Usage from the Veeam Service Provider Console. The API request is pretty simple - send a GET request to /organizations/companies/usage. The problem comes when you get the response. (Sample response from the OpenAPI page at [VSPC URI]/api/

    "value": 2886729728,
    "type": "CloudPerfomanceTierBackupSize"

It turns out that the Veeam JSON data omits the second “r” in Performance. Which is absolutely not something I was expecting while going through the process of parsing the JSON data. So while all of my other API requests and JSON parsing was going through fine, it took me a bit of time to figure out why I was never able to get the performance tier consumption from the API response, at first glance the two seem identical. However, on the bright side, all references to the Performance tier have the same error, so provided you are aware of it, you can work around it.


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